The past month has been really bizarre after all the excitement of SXSW. Nothing much is happening with the film. We submitted to about 10 major film festivals, and now we're just waiting to see if we get into any of them. So far the only ones we have heard back from are Seattle and Cannes Director's Fortnight, and both rejected the film. I didn't think I would mind, but it has been a real bummer to get rejections. Neither of these Festivals are a big surprise to me, especially not Cannes, since I knew we didn't have a chance, but it's really hard to get two rejections and still not know where the film will be playing next.
I created a new section on the website called "
The Festival Experience," where I will keep the pictures from the Festivals we attend, and also provide
Tips For Filmmakers on the things we learn from each festival experience. The
SXSW page is now up and running.
Our IMDb page is fully functional, and I'm hoping some people will post
User Comments and start giving the film a